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White Blood Cell and Marks

A differential count of white blood cells from a patient gave the bsolute number of lymphocytes as 8000 per mm3 and the total number of white blood cells as 12,000 per mm3. Calculate the percentage of lymphocytes in this sample of white blood cells. Is this a normal or abnormal percentage? Explain your answer. (4 Marks) Percentage of lymphocytes in WBC= 8000/12000 100=66. 67%, the normal values of lymphocytes in blood is 20%-40%. So this would be an abnormal percentage. 5. Describe the difference between a communicable disease and an inherited disease.Use examples you have studied in this exploration to support your description. (4 Marks) A communicable disease is a disease that is transmitted from person to person; for example, malaria. An inherited disease is a disease that is passed through genetics; for example, sickle cell anemia. 6. Why are white blood cells in a stained blood smear usually counted at low power under a microscope? Explain your answer. (2 Marks) They are counted at low power because they are much bigger than all other blood cells.